her thoughts

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Roses will bloom again

The exams are finally over! yays! =) And there are already so many things planned!

Little encouragements I received during this period:
-'In times like this, renew your passion in the Lord. Surely as He plans for you to go through all the tests, His grace will bring you through. 1Sam 30:6' -Yvonne
-'Baby! Just passed your place.=) jia you for exams k? Love ya..will be over soon..coffee bean breakfast! Keeping you in prayer.=)' - Mitch
-'Heyho. Kinda late to say this but i hope your tests and all went alright. And all the best if thr's more. God will give you strength! (:' -Amanda
Dont know if you'll see this but, thank you so muchie dearies. Those words meant more than they seem. You're like angels God sent to bless me, and to keep me going. Love ya!

Finally, a big THANK YOU to my Big Daddy in Heaven, for being the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night, guiding me through. I used to get 'temporary insomia' the night before exams. But that was last time. Not anymore.=) The Lord gives me rest.

I planted a little rose bush,
I tended it with care,
It’s buds began to blossom
Their fragrance filled the air
But when winter came it withered,
The petals drooped and fell to the ground,
My heart sank as it faded,
But I’d forgotten who had made it.

Roses will bloom again,
Just wait and see
Don’t mourn what might have been
Only God knows how and when that
Roses will bloom again.

Rose was his only sweetheart,
A loving wife for forty years.
Cherished every day they had,
And held memories oh so dear
He never dreamed he’s bore love
And go to live alone,
But he lay his Rose to rest,
Looked up to heaven and tried his best
To believe that

The precious Rose of Sharon,
Broken and bruised in cruel shame,
Stained on the cross of Calvary,
So that men might be saved,
Oh, Satan cheered as He died,
While Mary and the others cried,
Then God raised Him up from that sleep
And kept a promise on He could keep.


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