her thoughts

Thursday, March 22, 2007


from the Pulau Ubin trip!

Crystal and I. Continue to put a smile on the faces of those around you! =)

Bike rental at 5 bucks for the whole day! Yays!

Deep along the trails of Pulau Ubin.

Dione, Yvonne and I on the 'hill' during G12 conference.

I've been watching so many movies recently. Let's see...... there was Music and Lyrics with darling, nad and junming, after a really filling pizza hut dinner. Totally impromtu meeting. I'm so loving 'way back into love'. =)

Caught Just Follow Law with champion and darling.

Champs and darling, taken @ Fig and Olives, vivo

Fig BBQ chicken & pasta - recommended! =)

Rachelle and I went to catch dreamgirls at vivo, as she had free tickets. Thanks Rach! The company was great! But next time we'll remember not to makan at the HK store. I can't even remember what it's called.

We forgot to take pics! But i managed to dig out this pic that was taken at PP, super duper long ago!

Today, I made my journey to the west for dinner and Stomp the Yard with my lovelies. Those moves were superb. Had a great time!

We took great pains to take this pic. Kudos to self-timer. =)

Alright, bedtime!

Good night! Love, me.

Monday, March 19, 2007


Attended G12 conference 15-17 Mar. I've been so blessed! Had a refreshing time, soaking in the presence of God. Felt loved. Uplifting of faith. The time couldn't have been better spent.

"But the greatest of these is love" - 1 Cor 13:13.

And I've been challenged. Challenged to love. Not just doing everything out of obedience. Nothing I do is worth anything, unless I do it out of love. Without love, I am nothing. "We love because he first loved us" - 1 John 4:19. It is a reflection of what Christ first did for us. God's love is the source of all love. And in turn, we love others, who are warmed by God's love through us. The question was once posted. Which is the greatest commandment in the Law? In Matthew 22, Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbour as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments. "

It is easy to say we love God but the real test for our love for God is by how we treat other people, be it family members or friends. "For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, who he has not seen. And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother. " Love God, love His people, who have been created in His image.

I felt that through the past few days, the Lord has been enlarging my heart to love. Something within me feels different, that cannot be described in words. Amazing how God works. The miracles He did in the lives of His people. Real testimonies: Diagnosed with leukemia - completely healed by God; 90% chance of downsyndrome - 100% healthy baby Megan; colour blind since birth and couldn't read red, orange and green - i wrote this myself; gave up on my studies - He didn't, passed my N levels; injured in accident - walking properly now. I couldn't help but tear. Amazed at His love. How great is our God!

You are holy, holy
Lord there is none like You
You are holy, holy
Glory to You alone

I'll sing Your praises forever
Deeper in love with You
Here in Your courts
Where I'm close to Your throne
I've found where I belong

Saturday, March 03, 2007


Chinese New Year was great! It was good catching up with family and friends. Ofcourse, not to forget the collecting of the ang baos. =)
Here's some pics, complementary of friends, cos poor me took lots of photos using my phone but didn realise that none was saved to the memory card. Lousy phone has temperament problems acting up again. It was a blessing in disguise though - I got a new phone!

in my "modern day qi pao top", with church friends

my favourite cuzzie!! =)

Tong had to be tricked into turning around for the photo

-pic cant seem to be uploaded-

08 cny visitation @ varella's

Celebrated PJ's birthday at 'new york! new york!' last sat. Too bad Rach only came back from aussie that evening, or she could have joined in the fun!

The birthday boy has no clue. (Happy birthday PJ!)

The guys' master piece.

Daph and I, in clear view of my limo parked behind us. =)

Is that your surprised look, PJ?

The birthday boy's happy now that he has made his wish.

All ready for bump boat ride!

Feels like we were on a holiday!

Guys that just love to have fun.

Feeling the Spore river breeze.

Fullerton in the background.

Today, we had our 'reunion', supposedly cny steamboat dinner. But we didn want to go through the hassle of preparing the stuff, so we headed down to Hua Yu Wee for chili crab! *Yumms* Unfortunately, this time, Daph could join us 'cos she had her cousin's birthday party i think. We subsequently headed to PP and had to park at P7 'cos all the other levels were full. It was right at the top, somewhat open-air. Have never been there before, didn't even know such a place in PP existed.

Love ya, Rach!

Weiche, the vampire slayer.

Oh, and the joke of the day... We wanted to take a stupid face pic, and Weiche said, "then I don't need to pose, just put my face in can already."

Silly, boy. Even the girl seated beside our table was trying so hard to control her laughter.

We can't act dao for nuts! We looked bored instead.

The guys.

Us =)