I'm 20.

Birthday surprise! Ex 09 appeared at my doorstep at 11pm, just when I thought my day was almost over. Thanks guys for the really really really pleasant surprise! Actually, I happen to hear Mum saying over the phone "yes, I'm Sheryl's mum... okay, I'll ask Karen to come down to the guard house now." And Mum sent Karen down to collect "something she left behind at the guard house". The first mention sort of alerted me a little, but I didn't think much into it. Mum's always mixing our names up like that - "Sher... Kar... Jeremy!" So I thought it was one of those moments. I was actually waiting for Karen to come back up and for my chance to laugh at her for whatever she "left behind" at the guard house. The tides changed and Karen ended up laughing at me instead for my apparently priceless, shocked, stunned, frozen look.
Thank you Lilin, Peng Juay, Peggy, Deirdre, Lookit, Rency, Aidah, Kun, Aloy, Deborah, Luther, Aikky, Danny, Brandon, Owen, Liting, Alicia, Victor, Terence, Vivien, Dawn, Denise, Sai Haow, Soo Hern, Yanting, Andrea, Xin Jie, Tina, Diana, Yvonne, Jeslyn, Kevin, Sean, Victoria, Hansel, Shirlyn, Janice, Daphne, Junren, Liane, Mitch, Shirley, Rachelle, Zeyu, Junming, Sumo, Michelle-weiming, Sirong, Kenneth, Nad, Jonathon for all the birthday sms-es!
Thank you so much for the pressies too:) you all know who you are...
Oh yes, not to forget my early birthday celebration at Spaggettis with Aikky, Deir and Chanel!
From the bottom of her heart, a really touched Sheryl thanks you all for making her birthday a truely memorable and happy one!